Seims – II (2015)

  Seims are from Sydney, they play instrumental rock songs so utterly slathered in synths, effects pedals and guitar trickery it’s actually sometimes hard to determine exactly what bits are guitars and which are not! It’s reminiscent of old 8-bit video game music..but with guitars…and drums…anyway this is really engaging stuff! Very inventive! The album … Continue reading Seims – II (2015)

Its the end of the year as we know it..

What a year. What a huge year. So many things happened, so much new ground, history and monumental changes. Also..a lot of sick music made it’s way to our earholes. I have collected what were the 10 most impacting releases that I spent time with over 2017. They might not have been the biggest, most … Continue reading Its the end of the year as we know it..